It's the Environment, Stupid.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

NY sues ExxonMobil

There's a half-century-old oil slick underneath Brooklyn, NY. NY State Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, is finally doing something about it. He's suing ExxonMobil (and intends to sue BP, Chevron, Keyspan, and Phelps Dodge which don't make quite a stir when you put 'em in the headline).

These companies have at one point had operations in this industrial waterfront area, which is known (although not widely) as one of the most polluted sites in NYC.

The NY Times reports in this particular article that there are 8 million gallons of oil and petroleum byproducts under the surface of Greenpoint, however other accounts say there are upwards of 17 to 30 million gallons of the gooey black stuff hanging out down there (but hey, who's counting?) The fact is the stuff has been oozing for years into uber-toxic Newtown creek and up into the soils above.

Current Gov of NYS (former state atty general), Eliot Spitzer, who ran the show for a while on this, praised Cuomo's move (did they doubt he would?) Praise also came from the Riverkeeper Alliance who also took on the oil giant on this issue in 2004.

My previous posts on oil slicks:
The joys of oil

And on ExxonMobil:
Energy Security - ExxonMobil
Another op-ed from ExxonMobil
And now back to a message from ExxonMobil...
ExxonMobil refutes peak oil theory with op-ed ad


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