It's the Environment, Stupid.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Curse of the Honey Bee

Beekeepers won't be the only ones feeling the sting of millions of missing honey bees, soon we all will.

Researchers and bee experts are a bit baffled and have a string of theories as to why the beloved bees just aren't returning home after their days out searching for pollen. Part of the problem comes from the varroa mites, which infest the little bees and explode in their throats (or so I've been told) effectively killing the flying pollinators in droves.

Who needs bees, you may ask? Bees are crucial in helping to pollinate fields and crops (ie your food and potential bio-fuel supply). Bee keepers have been travelling around the country with their buzzing hives to help pollinate fruit, vegetable and nut crops because the little pollinators have been declining over the years. According to a recent NY Times article honeybees pollinate over $14 million worth of crops each year.

Not as cute and cuddly as the polar bears, bees may be yet another casualty in our ever warming world. It makes me wonder - just how many canaries do we need to tell us we've got a problem in our mine?

Via NY Times and ENN.


  • Amy,

    Other than mites and pesticides killing bees, many of the bees are simply vanishing. They do not return to the hive, which they must do in order to get any nourishment.

    Bees navigate via the field dynamics of the earth, the electromagnetic field. And it is possible that the EM pollution from wireless transmissions may be causing a problem for the bees.

    Wired communications keep the EM pollution isolated to the wires, but with wireless the EM pollution is everywhere and there is nowhere to go to get away from it. It distorts the dynamics of the earths field, which sends the bees wrong information about the direction back to the hive.

    You might remember that homing pigeons have also been vanishing due to their inability to navigate back to their roosts.

    If the bees go we will not be far behind.

    I have plum trees in full bloom and no bees, none.

    Last year I noticed bees failing to return to their hives at sundown. They were going to sleep in the flowers, which is more than a bit strange.

    By Blogger David Barclay, at 03:40  

  • A bee hive has taken residence in a wall in my house in Staten Island. I do not want to exterminate them. How do I find a beekeeper to come to get them?

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:00  

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