It's the Environment, Stupid.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Whale of a Test

Lifted from the pages of Grist… "A Whale of a Door Prize
Greenpeace dumps dead whale at Japanese embassy..."

What is the Japanese embassy going to do with a dead whale now that Greenpeace has ever so eloquently made their point? I've got an idea - let’s not let that whale go to waste, we should use it to make another point – let’s run a toxicity test on that whale. I want to know how much lead, mercury, PCBs and other toxins have built up in that animal’s blubber. And then once we find that out, lets print out the results (on paper made with post consumer materials, printed with soy based inks of course) and attach them to a bunch more dead whales (or other deceased toxic marine life) and start dumping them on the door steps of companies that emit those chemicals into the environment.

Of course the companies will say they don’t know why they were targeted, and how there’s no way to prove that their chemicals made it into a dead fish, blah, blah. But since those types of chemicals aren’t normally found in the natural environment they must have originated some where... who knows maybe the 17 countires who don't want whales hunted, might also want healthy whales, and maybe they'll hop on board to support the opposition of unleashing toxic chemicals into the environment.

(The Grist write-up...)
"Greenpeace, ever masters of artful subtlety, dumped a big ol' dead whale on the doorstep of the Japanese embassy in Berlin yesterday. Here we pause a moment to let you savor the mental image ... ahh. The whale dump was a protest against Japan's ongoing hunt for minke and fin whales in the Southern Ocean, allegedly in the name of research. Two Greenpeace ships have spent the past month there, where they've "dogged, delayed, and disrupted" Japan's whaling fleet, the group says. But today Greenpeace announced that the ships will be ending their mission and that the campaign's focus will turn to encouraging the public to boycott products from companies with ties to whaling. It's not just Greenpeace that objects to Japan's "research." Earlier this week, 17 countries, including Australia, Brazil, Britain, France, and Germany, voiced their opposition to the Willy killin'."
straight to the source: BBC News, 19 Jan 2006
straight to the source:, Reuters, 19 Jan 2006
straight to the source: Terra Daily, Agence France-Presse, 20 Jan 2006


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