It's the Environment, Stupid.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sundance Channel picks green

The Sundance Channel continues to go green as it picks up two new shows. According to ENN, The Sundance Channel (indy spinoff cable channel of Robert Redford's acclaimed film festival held annually in Utah) has hired Scout Productions to shoot a 13 part series for the channel's 'green block'. The show, currently under the working title of "Change Agents," is set to feature innovative designers, and other so-called entertaining green experts to expose the hipster, fun side of the enviro-friendly world.

In the same headline-update, ENN also picked up on another recent acquirement by the Sundance Channel - this one is a British show called, "It's Not Easy Being Green" where a family of four is uprooted from their suburban comforts to an all green, modern "country" life.

It maybe an indy-film channel, but I either know of or have been involved in some aspects of a few other shows that are hoping for a chance in this same green spotlight - I just may have to break down and get cable to check out all the new, green programming. Or I could just wait a little bit longer for network television to deem it safe to follow suit.


  • I find it funny that Sundance Channel wants to have "Green" centered shows, but when advertising them forgets to think Green. They currently have backlit posters in underground, well lit tunnels in the Grand Central Subway station in New York. You'd think all that extra electricity would be a no-no for people who want to sell us their ideas on protecting the planet.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 21:41  

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